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Internet Marketing News

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The Impact of Google AMP on Your SEO

Two years ago Google launched its Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project, which aimed to make pages load instantly on the mobile web. An AMP-only policy is unlikely, but some of the fundamentals of AMP sites are becoming essential. We all know Internet traffic on mobile devices has skyrocketed–some statistics put this number at over 52% [...]


How to Map Out Your Content Marketing Strategy for 2018

When it comes to content marketing, you can’t really take a willy-nilly approach. A fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants mentality might work for something like choosing your daily meals, but think of how much time and money you’d save by planning your meals for the week, hitting the grocery store, and conducting all your food prep at once. When [...]


How Google Alerts Can Help Grow Your Business

Google Alerts, a service that allows users to get email updates with new content across the web pertaining to specific search terms, is nothing new. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that this handy service has been available for nearly fifteen years at this point. What you might not know is that Google [...]


5 Keys to Successful Holiday Email Marketing

As a consumer yourself, you are no doubt flooded with scads of marketing emails during the holiday season, so you know how much competition there is to grab consumer attention. As a business owner, this shouldn’t deter you from launching email marketing campaigns. Even if competition is tough, you still have to show up to [...]


How Content Marketers Can Get More Value From Google Analytics

Even though there are now countless online tools designed to deliver targeted analytics, there are still few tools more useful than Google Analytics and the powerful slate of features it offers. The wealth of information provided by this analytical tool can only help businesses to hone their strategies and improve online performance. Google Analytics is [...]


How to Select Holiday Keywords for SEO

The holidays are the busiest shopping season of the year, so it’s only natural that businesses would want to capitalize on the frenzy of spending to boost annual sales totals. Of course, there’s a lot of competition to grab consumer attention, and businesses that want to succeed need to create a solid strategy to beat [...]


How to Outsmart Your Competitors in High-Volume PPC Markets

To say that there’s no science behind dominating the PPC market would be stupid – there’s clearly a lot of strategy involved. And yet, it’s not exactly rocket science, which is to say, with enough training and practice, you can get pretty good at trumping the competition and getting the most bang for your buck [...]


Google Updates AdWords Ad Rotation Settings

Google AdWords is a staple of online advertising, and with proper understanding of how the system works, many businesses are able to balance spending and returns in order to accomplish targeted conversion goals. Of course, there are a lot of options to consider when it comes to customizing and optimizing ad rotation. As rotation settings [...]


How Can Custom Software Development Help Your Business Scale?

One of a business owner’s primary goals is figuring out effective ways of cuttings costs while yielding higher returns. When it comes to software, it may be tempting to use third party applications rather than hiring a developer to create something specifically suited to the specific needs of a business. However, this line of thinking [...]


4 Lead Magnet Ideas to Help Grow Your Email List

If you have an email list, odds are you want to grow it as quickly as possible. Lead magnets are likely the most useful tool to help accomplish this goal, as they offer incentives to those who sign up for the list. What’s more, link magnets create an instant rapport between you and potential subscribers, [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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