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5 Ways to Generate More Leads With Your Blog

If you’ve decided to start an onsite blog, chances are it’s about more than flinging your every thought into the ethos. More likely than not, your blog is part of a business strategy that allows you greater latitude to engage in search engine optimization (SEO). The more new content you produce and promote, the better opportunity you have to increase visibility.

Of course, the real goal is to encourage traffic and generate leads that you can eventually convert to paying customers. Once you’ve got your SEO strategy nailed down and you’re starting to see a lot of targeted traffic to your blog, how do you turn visitors into viable leads? Here are a few tips to ensure your blog pays off.

1. Share Valuable Information
Content marketing remains a popular way to snare to the elusive millennial crowd. It turns out these young consumers value relationships and personal attention, and brands that provide are a lot more likely to nab their patronage.

As an expert in your field, your blog allows you the opportunity to provide visitors with valuable information about your industry, your niche, and even your products or services. You can do this by sharing information about industry happenings, posting tutorials or demos, and generally imparting your knowledge and opinions for the benefit of readers.

By building a rapport with readers without any strings attached, you can create long-term relationships that increase chances for sharing and conversion.

2. Solve Problems
Content must not only be well-written, relevant, timely, and engaging, but it must provide some value to the reader. One of the best ways to entice visitors, encourage repeat visits, and boost other conversions is by solving reader problems.

You could get some ideas about common problems based on customer feedback, blog comments, or even posing pointed questions for visitors to answer when they sign up for membership. Then you can create blog content that helps readers to solve problems, earning gratitude and possibly patronage in the process.

3. Tease Content
Turning visitors into leads requires that you secure contact information. In some cases, data can be gleaned from tracking software, but you can also encourage visitors to provide contact information by teasing popular content.

If you have posts that receive a lot of traffic, simply tease them by offering up the first paragraph or two (depending on length) and gating the rest. If readers want to continue, they’ll have to sign up for membership to gain access.

4. Offer Member Perks
Many people are hesitant to sign up for memberships because of all the spam they often entail. Do not abuse the trust of anyone willing to give you their contact information. Assure visitors that their information won’t be shared with third parties, and then sweeten the deal by offering perks for members only, including discounts, deals, early access to sales, access to gated content, and so on.

5. Add Calls to Action (CTAs)
If you want visitors to do something, your best bet is to tell them what you want with CTAs. These can be embedded in your content or added via buttons on pages, and they’ll tell visitors exactly how to complete desired conversions.

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