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Internet Marketing News

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Which is better: A high volume of visitors or a reduced audience with increased engagement?

There was a time in the early days of the “dot-com boom” that companies and brands focused primarily on driving traffic to their website. More visitors meant more traffic, which meant more value to advertisers, buyers of websites, and sellers of products and services. Today, that old script has flipped on its head. While a [...]


5 Things Every Visitor Should Discover the Minute They Access Your Homepage

Ten seconds. That’s all you have, on average, to grab the attention of website visitors and convince them to discover more. More than half of all visitors spend 15 seconds or less on any given website. If you don’t impress them in the first 10 seconds of that visit, it’s more likely than not they [...]


5 Steps Every Company Should Take to Discover Who, Exactly, is Engaging with Their Brand

Savvy business owners know that merely being online today is not enough. You need to create content that gets your followers to engage with your brand. It’ll be easy to see if you’ve created engaging content. Traffic to your blog will increase, as will the average time visitors spend on your site. Your social media [...]


Short attention span? Research shows customers stay longer for “live” content

Cutting through the noise to get your message heard by customers is no easy task. You have to be constantly on the lookout for new marketing tactics to differentiate your brand. Of course, this is difficult to accomplish when your competitors are always innovating their strategies. If you’re hoping to attract new customers, one of [...]


5 strategies for keeping visitors on your website longer

It’s not enough to rely on the “if you build it, they will come” concept when designing your website. You also need to focus on converting as many visitors as possible into leads or sales after they first visit your page. The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of your website visitors will never [...]


Throwing shade: How color choices affect customer engagement

The human eye can quite literally perceive millions of colors. That means there is no shortage of color palettes that people can use to express their feelings or desires.  Some people may be surprised to learn the significance that color psychology has in email marketing and overall customer engagement. And with the huge array of [...]


Augmented reality v. virtual reality. Which one is better for my website?

When it comes to e-commerce, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are both game-changers. The new technologies are transforming the way that people shop both online and in-store. They are quickly becoming an attractive selling point for consumers who have grown weary of traditional retail marketing. AR and VR have their own benefits as [...]


Pillar pages: what they are and why you should use them

Every marketer knows that posting blogs and articles to your website is a great strategy for improving search engine optimization and engaging with your target audience on a deeper level. But if you’re prioritizing quantity over quality and pushing out mediocre content with the hope of generating more traffic, then you’re putting your content marketing efforts at a [...]


Schema markup: what it is and how to can improve your SEO

If your organization is looking to boost its search visibility, then schema markup for SEO can help you accomplish this goal. Schema SEO gives search engines detailed information to better understand the content on your website. Think of it as code associated with a website that makes it easier for users to find relevant search [...]


What is ADA compliance and why is it important?

The Americans with Disabilities Act ensures that all people with disabilities receive equal and fair treatment under the law. This also includes digital mediums such as websites, which are now required to provide a similar experience for anyone who could potentially visit the site. These protections cover people who may be blind, deaf, or who have other [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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