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Internet Marketing News

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SERPs Explained: The Vital Role They Play in SEO Strategy

The acronym SERP stands for “Search Engine Results Page.” SERP analysis is the process of examining the generated results after a Google search. This vital information is highly relevant to your digital marketing and SEO strategy. SERP analysis will reveal what websites are going to achieve a higher ranking. It will also assist you in [...]


Helpful Tips for Smooth and Easy Website Navigation

Believe it or not, the structure and flow of your website’s navigation can affect sales, bounce rate, and overall conversion. You don’t want people coming to your website, getting frustrated because they can’t find what they’re looking for, and then closing the tab out. If they can’t find your product or service listing page, they [...]


Tips to Revive a Stale SEO Campaign

Many businesses already understand the inherent value of creating a solid SEO campaign with their content. A landing page or blog post may rank well initially, but it can fade in the results section over time. You need to know how to revive your campaign if you want to see long-term success from any SEO [...]


Web Design: Common Overlooked Components When Optimizing a website

Contrary to popular belief, a great website is much more than just attractive aesthetics backed by SEO strategies. Technical features and user experience weigh heavily on the usability of a site, among other factors. When auditing a site for optimization, it is essential to carefully review every detail, even parts that appear to be insignificant. [...]


The Impact of Page Load Time on Your Conversion Rates

Since the beginning of the internet, we have all shared a universal understanding that slow and buggy pages are bad. In the old days, when you came across a website with extensive loading times or slow processing speed, it was almost always a site that contained malware or some other type of computer virus. Even [...]


3 Reasons Why Your Website Visitors Aren’t Buying

For most entrepreneurs, there aren’t many things more frustrating than steady website traffic that doesn’t turn into customers. Generating traffic is a task in itself, so when the website visitors leave without converting, business owners frantically try to figure out why. There are countless factors that could be contributing to why visitors aren’t purchasing from [...]


The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Digital Marketing Terms

As the owner of a small business, chances are that you wear many different hats, handling management, sales, and even marketing. Digital marketing is one of the most powerful ways to get your business out there in front of the masses. Unfortunately, it can also be confusing, as small business owners who are just getting [...]


How to Find the Right Keywords for Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is essential for a small business that wants to continue growing in the digital age. Incorporating well-researched keywords into your blogs and advertising can boost the number of people who see your business on the search engine results pages (SERPs). The question is: How do you find the [...]


New Year, New Marketing: 3 Ways to Adjust Your Advertising in 2022

If you run an online business, it’s a good idea to take a close look at your marketing strategy on a semi-annual or annual basis. You don’t want to make too many adjustments to strategies that you already know work, but you do want to stay on the cusp of changes that occur throughout the [...]


5 KPIs to Track for Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Marketing has come a long way from the days when ad executives had to buy commercial time, cross their fingers, and hope for the best. The internet completely revolutionized the industry and introduced new ways to see exactly what was working and what wasn’t. These analytics are a digital marketer’s Holy Grail. To make sure [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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