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5 strategies for keeping visitors on your website longer

It’s not enough to rely on the “if you build it, they will come” concept when designing your website. You also need to focus on converting as many visitors as possible into leads or sales after they first visit your page. The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of your website visitors will never [...]


How to Create Relevant and Engaging Content Right Now

As a business owner, your approach to content creation always centers on upholding core values and reaching company goals.  In order to create a strong and enduring brand identity, you need content that supports brand messaging. However, no business is an island, and at times like this, when we’re embroiled in a crisis of global [...]


Why It’s Important to Conduct A/B Tests for Your Landing Pages

We seem to be living in an era where feelings and beliefs share the same prestige and reliability as actual facts, but as a responsible business owner, you can’t necessarily afford to base your decisions on instinct or intuition.  You need data, analysis, and reasoning to make the best possible choices and maintain a profitable [...]


How to Simplify Your Website Structure

When it comes to designing your business website, you probably have a lot of things you want to include, from essential messaging, to optimizable content, to visual elements designed to support your brand image, as well as grab and hold viewer attention.  That said, it pays to view your website with an editorial eye. When [...]


5 Tasks that All Business Websites Should Accomplish

Your business website is your online interface with current and prospective customers, and as such, it has to virtually fill the role of a brick-and-mortar store.  This must be achieved without friendly or helpful salespeople, and without the ability for consumers to touch and closely examine your wares. How, then, do you go about convincing [...]


Possible Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Converting Visitors

Even if you’re good at managing your business, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re equally adept at planning and executing business strategies in virtual space.  This could mean that your virtual interface isn’t exactly yielding anticipated results.  If you’re just not seeing the conversions online that you feel you’re capable of and you don’t know [...]


Semantic Search Basics You Should Know

Have you ever had the experience of racking your brain to come up with the perfect word and it simply won’t come to you, so you have to cobble together an unsatisfactory expression of what you’re trying to say?  The beauty of language is that there is often a perfect word to describe something, or [...]


How to generate new results from your old blog posts

Updating and republishing an old blog post can boost website traffic by more than 100 percent. Got your attention? Sure, it’s a great feeling to wrap up a post, publish it, and get started on another one but why not get more mileage out of work you’ve already done? Writers have used a similar strategy—write [...]


The importance of auditing your web presence

Seeing or hearing the word “audit” typically conjures feelings of dread and perhaps even inspires an urge to flee to the hills. In the realm of website marketing, however, auditing is a good thing. A website audit is a tool to help identify any potential issues with a site’s architecture and benefit a business wishing [...]


How Many Keywords Should You Be Tracking at One Time?

When it comes to the ideal number of keywords to use to draw people to your site, the answer unfortunately isn’t as simple as a specific number. It’s a fluid and circumstantially dependent answer. As is the case with many situations in life, the answer lies in seeking out quality rather than quantity. The Nature of Your Website [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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