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Internet Marketing News

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Email Marketing Category


Email vs. Social Media Marketing: How to Choose the Right Channel for Your Business

If you want to get noticed in today’s competitive digital marketplace, you need to choose the right brand-building channels. Two popular options are email marketing and social media marketing. While both can be effective tools for reaching and engaging with audiences, determining which channel is right for your business can be tricky. Explore the good [...]


A Guide to Win-Back Emails: How to Reengage Lost Customers

Email marketing is highly effective when done right, but the process of creating emails can be both time-consuming and frustrating, especially if people aren’t opening them. If your open rate has dropped recently and you’ve lost interested prospects, there are, fortunately, steps you can take to win them back. At Net Profit Marketing, we know [...]


Marketing Your Business in the Coronavirus Era

Despite the rhetoric that the Coronavirus is “just a flu”, evidence thus far has proven it to be a virulent and deadly strain of this seasonal virus.  As a result, governments across the globe are taking appropriate action to curb the spread, and the orders to observe social distancing, work from home, and self-isolate have [...]


The Biggest Email Marketing Trends For 2019

It’s a brand new year, which means new email marketing tactics. Rather than following tired fads, 2019 is all about honing a classic subscriber-centric strategy. Brands are increasingly putting the customer’s journey at the forefront of their email marketing strategies. Accomplishing this goal in an effective manner requires a fair amount of insight from the [...]


The Most Common Reasons Why Customers Dread Your Emails

Email marketing, when done well, can be an effective tool for securing new customers as well as retaining current customers. With that being said, we have all been on the receiving end of an email marketing campaign that had us feverishly searching for the “unsubscribe” button. Email campaigns are incredibly effective, but can become a [...]


Drip emails: what they are and how they work?

Drip email campaigns, like many marketing strategies, have vacillated as the go-to strategy for content marketing. Their value is in that, by definition, they are marketing messages sent at a particular time and tempo in order to increase sales. The best kinds of drip campaigns are those that are not only timely, but also build [...]


How Google Alerts Can Help Grow Your Business

Google Alerts, a service that allows users to get email updates with new content across the web pertaining to specific search terms, is nothing new. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that this handy service has been available for nearly fifteen years at this point. What you might not know is that Google [...]


5 Keys to Successful Holiday Email Marketing

As a consumer yourself, you are no doubt flooded with scads of marketing emails during the holiday season, so you know how much competition there is to grab consumer attention. As a business owner, this shouldn’t deter you from launching email marketing campaigns. Even if competition is tough, you still have to show up to [...]


5 Creative Ideas for Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

The best way to reach a broad amount of leads in a short time span is undoubtedly via email. After developing a large lead list, simply send a targeted email and watch the responses roll in. The only caveat is that these emails are easily ignored (and sometimes relegated to the spam folder). For this [...]


iContact Email Marketing Review

iContact is a great single opt-in email marketing service that I’ve used myself and with clients successfully. While I do use Aweber in certain situations (more for your Internet marketing lists), iContact is a good choice to use with many small businesses because they allow you to upload your list without first checking it. Don’t [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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