I’ve had a lot of questions lately about Aweber email marketing and whether you can have an Aweber single opt-in list or whether it just has to be the classic double opt-in list that has made them famous. I’ve also had questions about list migration to Aweber. They are a little more strict on migrating lists, which is why I recommend them for email marketers as it keeps their overall emails sent out with a less chance of being marked as spam. If you’re not familiar with Aweber, you can read my Aweber review.
Aweber Single Opt-In List
Aweber is most known for their double opt-in list and it’s truly what I recommend when using them but you can use Aweber with a single opt-in list. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read my post on single opt-in vs. double opt-in email marketing. In order to setup a single opt-in list you need to create your list with the general settings and then turn off “Confirmed Opt-In Status” under My Lists -> List Settings -> Confirmed Opt-In.
Aweber List Migration
You can migrate your list to Aweber but it has to meet strict criteria. Basically they want to ensure that you have an actual list of people that want to be on your list as opposed to just a list of email addresses. When requesting a migration they ask for the following:
1) What is your website URL, where a web form can be located?
2) If you do not have a website, please describe the nature of your business.
3) How did you previously manage your mailing list (third party service, via a personal email account, etc.)?
Once you can sufficiently explain to Aweber that you do have permission to market to these email addresses, they will let you upload them to your account. If you’re with another list provider, they will do a web conference with you to confirm that you do have the list you say you have. If you have your new Aweber list setup as a single opt-in, your list will be added. If you have the new list setup as a double opt-in list, your subscribers will have to confirm their subscription to your new list.
Aweber is a great email marketing service that is very flexible and offers a lot of features. While they are more strict about uploading lists of contacts, it’s for the overall good of their service by keeping out the spammers.
Let me know if you have any more questions about Aweber or any email marketing.
Jared Pomranky
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