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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


The Importance of Social Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There are two important reasons for businesses to focus on social media right now.  One is that people are stuck at home and looking for ways to pass the time, which means turning to social media for entertainment and connection.  The other is that people are devouring information at an incredible rate, and you need [...]


Why It’s Important to Conduct A/B Tests for Your Landing Pages

We seem to be living in an era where feelings and beliefs share the same prestige and reliability as actual facts, but as a responsible business owner, you can’t necessarily afford to base your decisions on instinct or intuition.  You need data, analysis, and reasoning to make the best possible choices and maintain a profitable [...]


Marketing Your Business in the Coronavirus Era

Despite the rhetoric that the Coronavirus is “just a flu”, evidence thus far has proven it to be a virulent and deadly strain of this seasonal virus.  As a result, governments across the globe are taking appropriate action to curb the spread, and the orders to observe social distancing, work from home, and self-isolate have [...]


How to Simplify Your Website Structure

When it comes to designing your business website, you probably have a lot of things you want to include, from essential messaging, to optimizable content, to visual elements designed to support your brand image, as well as grab and hold viewer attention.  That said, it pays to view your website with an editorial eye. When [...]


How to Effectively Maximize Your Digital Ad Spend

There’s no denying the appeal of Google Ads (formerly AdWords), Facebook Ads, and other digital advertising platforms when it comes to reaching an audience and boosting desired conversions.  Of course, if you don’t have a targeted strategy that includes oversight and the flexibility to pivot, you could end up spending a ton of money and [...]


How Does Google Detect Invalid Clicks?

Google’s primary concern has always been user satisfaction.  If you’ve been running an online business for long, you’ve no doubt suffered through a slew of animistic algorithm updates, from Panda, to Penguin, to Hummingbird, to Pigeon, and beyond, each one imposing a stricter set of guidelines pertaining to relevance of content and keywords. Of course, [...]


What is Organic Traffic and Why is it So Important?

As a business owner, you’re always trying to get people in the door, whether they’re patrons who have shopped with you before, prospective customers that already have an interest in your products or brand, or people who have never heard of you.  Attracting these customers comes with varying degrees of difficulty. Luckily, you have an [...]


Nofollow Links: What They are and Why You Should Care

For the average web user, nofollow links are of little importance, and most users don’t even know they exist.  They certainly don’t impact user experience.  However, they’re extremely important to anyone practicing SEO. If you don’t know the difference between dofollow and nofollow links, now is the time to learn, because both can have a [...]


Content that Converts: Landing Page Writing Best Practices

Creating landing pages is a great way to stay current and appeal to a target audience, as well as make the most of your online advertising campaigns and boost the success of SEO efforts.  That said, creating engaging and productive landing pages is no cake-walk.  You’re going to have to put in some time and [...]


What is Voice Search SEO and Why Should You Care?

It’s not hard to understand why so many people use their mobile devices to browse.  Why bother firing up your computer or laptop when you can simply ask Google or Siri on your phone?  There’s just no denying the convenience of using a smartphone for everything from getting directions, to sending messages, to shopping online. [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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