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Internet Marketing News

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Website Design Category


How Often Should You Audit Your Website?

So your SEO efforts are finally paying off. Your website is steadily climbing the rankings of search engine results pages (SERPs) and you are earning more traffic than ever.  But do you know how to continue improving or why your last campaign was so successful? Unless you have been conducting regular website audits, then the [...]


5 New Trends in Website Design

Every year, an increasing percentage of sales occur online. As the world continues to trend towards a primarily digital marketplace, having a high-quality website has become highly important. If businesses want to outpace their competitors, they need to stay apprised of the latest trends in website design. An outdated website is not only dull, but [...]


Five Reasons Why Colors and Fonts on Your Website Matter

Books are, for the most part, black text on a white page. This has been the norm since they started printing things on paper. On a screen, though, you have the ability to play with countless styles and colors that’ll bring personality to your brand as users spend time navigating the site.  If you don’t [...]


Do’s and Don’ts for an Eye-Catching Homepage

A growing client base is the lifeblood of any business. Turning casual browsers into loyal customers begins by effectively communicating your company’s unique brand image. So where exactly does that happen? Clear communication begins with the creation of an eye-catching homepage! Creating a standard homepage isn’t all that difficult. Creating a homepage that effectively captures [...]


Top Trends in Web Design in 2021

First impressions are everything, especially when it comes to your website. We’re all inundated with content from advertisers who are vying to capture our attention. So if you want your e-Commerce business to cut through the noise and reach more consumers, you need to be able to grab viewers’ attention and keep them engaged with [...]


How Poor Mobile Optimization Can Affect Your Website

People are increasingly using mobile devices to browse the internet every year. Statista reported that in 2019, 53.3% of all global web traffic came on a mobile device. Just six years earlier, in 2013, that number was 16.2%. This statistic alone shows how important mobile devices are to web traffic in general. What it doesn’t [...]


5 Things Every Visitor Should Discover the Minute They Access Your Homepage

Ten seconds. That’s all you have, on average, to grab the attention of website visitors and convince them to discover more. More than half of all visitors spend 15 seconds or less on any given website. If you don’t impress them in the first 10 seconds of that visit, it’s more likely than not they [...]


Throwing shade: How color choices affect customer engagement

The human eye can quite literally perceive millions of colors. That means there is no shortage of color palettes that people can use to express their feelings or desires.  Some people may be surprised to learn the significance that color psychology has in email marketing and overall customer engagement. And with the huge array of [...]


Augmented reality v. virtual reality. Which one is better for my website?

When it comes to e-commerce, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are both game-changers. The new technologies are transforming the way that people shop both online and in-store. They are quickly becoming an attractive selling point for consumers who have grown weary of traditional retail marketing. AR and VR have their own benefits as [...]


Why inclusive design is important for e-commerce

If you’re designing your website to be accommodating to all audiences, accessibility is no doubt a top concern. However, what you may not realize is that accessibility is only one attribute that results from the end product. Inclusive design focuses on the processes and cultures that create a user-friendly platform that can be used by [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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