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Internet Marketing News

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Website Design Category


Possible Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Converting Visitors

Even if you’re good at managing your business, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re equally adept at planning and executing business strategies in virtual space.  This could mean that your virtual interface isn’t exactly yielding anticipated results.  If you’re just not seeing the conversions online that you feel you’re capable of and you don’t know [...]


5 High Converting Landing Page Design Tips for the Holidays

Like most businesses, you’re probably planning on spending a pretty penny on seasonal advertising prior to the holidays.  The weeks between Thanksgiving and end-of-year holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa will see hundreds of billions of dollars spent on food, decorations, travel, gifts, and more, and you naturally want to see some of this consumer [...]


Responsive vs. Adaptive Web Design

It just makes good business sense to make your website as accessible as possible to as many consumers as possible, and in this day and age, you simply cannot afford an antiquated website that doesn’t conform to the size and shape of mobile devices.  According to Statista, the percentage of website traffic that comes from [...]


How to Provide Helpful Feedback to Your Web Designer

Business owners understand the difficulties of wearing many hats, which is why they often outsource specific tasks to professionals that have the skills they lack.  Still, you do have to provide these vendors with some direction if you want them to deliver the best possible outcomes for your company. Case in point: web design.  Small, [...]


5 of the hottest trends in web design right now

Ahhh, remember the good ol’ days of the internet? Let’s take a short trip back in time, to Christmas Day, 1990, the day the first internet browser was launched. Just three months later we saw the first website, an archaic scattering of text and hyperlinks used to explain to the awestruck masses what this World [...]


Web design tips for a mobile-heavy audience

Did you know that more than 3 billion people around the world actively use the internet? That’s a big number and 80 percent of those users access the internet from smartphones. If you are not targeting your audience through mobile search capability and providing them with a quality experience, you are letting a huge chunk [...]


Why Information Architecture Is Important For Your Website

Information architecture is one of the most overlooked aspects of the web design process because it is often confused with many other areas. Many people use the term interchangeably with technical architecture, navigation, and more. This is very unfortunate because information architecture is a vital component, the backbone if you will, of web design. If [...]


If Your Website is Outdated, You’re Losing Customers

In this day and age, your website often serves as the first interaction prospective customers have with your brand.  Most browse online before they ever shop in stores, and when they’re searching for goods or services, you want to make a good impression with the platforms they encounter. What if your website is hopelessly out [...]


Develop a Successful Website Redesign Strategy in 2019

Your website is a digital representation of your brand in the online world, but it’s a lot more than just a virtual storefront – it could be the first and only interaction prospective customers have with your business, and it needs to impress them just as much as any physical location filled with attractive product [...]


Do You Need a Website Redesign or Just a Refresh?

In our tech-driven culture, most businesses understand the importance of having a website that runs well and that is aesthetically pleasing. The one big caveat to having a website is that the work does not end after its initial build. Having a website is a constant work in progress and there comes a time when [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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