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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


5 Common On-Page Optimization Mistakes to Avoid

Whether you’re building out your on-page optimization strategy or revising it, it’s easy to make the wrong choices and end up wasting a lot of time and money in the process. There are so many sites that get it wrong and you are not alone by any stretch of the imagination. Here are five common [...]


5 Copy Optimization Tips to Improve Your PPC Ads

Whether you’ve run successful PPC ad campaigns in the past for your business or you feel like they’ve fallen flat and you’re looking for ways to improve them, keeping up with best practices can be challenging! Google has made big changes over the last few months. Here are 5 copy optimization tips to improve your [...]


5 Ways to Generate More Leads With Your Blog

If you’ve decided to start an onsite blog, chances are it’s about more than flinging your every thought into the ethos. More likely than not, your blog is part of a business strategy that allows you greater latitude to engage in search engine optimization (SEO). The more new content you produce and promote, the better [...]


How to Devise a Successful Lead Generation Strategy

When you first begin your foray into the online world with your business website, on-site blog, social media accounts, and so on, what you’re going to realize pretty quickly is that there’s a big learning curve. Even though you’ve had plenty of experience from the consumer side as a frequent web surfer and social media [...]


How to Use Google Analytics to Improve Your Website

Most business owners are aware of the importance of online visibility, which is why so many companies of every size have business websites, on-site blogs, and a social media presence. Without these tools at your disposal, your business really can’t compete in the modern marketplace any more. That said, simply setting up a website, blog, [...]


Invalid Clicks on Your Adwords Campaigns: What You Should Know

Invalid clicks can be detrimental to any marketing professional in respect to loss of money or opportunity. If you are thinking of—or are currently running—a campaign with Google AdWords, here are some things you need to know to stop this deceptive, yet all too common, online practice. AdWords is the gold standard for PPC advertising [...]


SEO Scams

Like most web concepts, search engine optimization (SEO) has evolved over time. As search providers continually seek to improve the user experience, they utilize the latest technologies to enhance the results their users see. They are also diligent in their efforts to weed out irrelevant or misleading content. As a result, the best practices for [...]



For all of the focus on SEO, SEM, SMM and so many other online marketing strategies, how do marketers actually measure their success? For search engines, which keywords are garnering the most attention? Which social media sites drive the most traffic? And among those, which posts seem the most effective? Our Internet marketing efforts have [...]


Content Marketing and Structured Data: Becoming Nonymous

In our third week talking about Structured Data, we’re going to get into how you can set up your Content Marketing efforts to take maximum advantage of Google’s love of the JSON-LD markup system. Becoming a Named Author Yourself… One of the most important ideas to come out of Google regarding content marketing lately was [...]


Structured Data 101: How to Tell Google What Stuff Is

Google announced several weeks ago that they’ve started supporting Structured Data and using it to develop rich results on their results pages. So, into the world of Structured Data Markup we go! First, some basic definitions. “Structured Data” is basically “information that is organized so that a computer can easily understand it.” Mostly, in terms [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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