90% of your online success depends on how well your website is optimized for search engines. Showing up on Google’s first page is not so hard but many of you simply don’t grasp the concept called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Although, some strategies entail tricky approaches needing skills of a hardened SEO expert. But some of the SEO tips are simple-to-implement on your website that help to get higher rankings in search engines. The tips below are a part of the Google’s criteria for ranking websites.
Opt for Longer Domain Name Registration
Search engines back longer domain name registration because it helps them fight against SPAM domains. Plus it guarantee’s the domain owner’s commitment to the domain, and therefore the content.
Long-term registered domains are viewed as valuable in the eyes of Google. On the other hand domains registered for a year are viewed as spam or unimportant.
Make Your Title Tags Keyword Rich
Next to a compelling content the title tag is a critical SEO element. Title tags are the basic text that define an online page, post, image, and video. Title tags show-up right at the top of your internet browser and turn up in the first line of text in search engine results. The first item that a potential visitor sees is the title tag.
To make your title tags strong it’s imperative to add a keywords rich phrase in them. Double-check that keyword is specific to the online document it’s linked to. It’ll be better if your keywords are placed closer to the front of the title tag.
Use Accurate Font Style Tags
We often use Italic and Bold font features in our word processing documents. We apply the same thing to our online documents as well. A bold text in italics adds to the attractiveness of your online document and highlight the important ideas.
But there is a precise way of making bold text in italics that Google relishes and your readers love.
To make bold text in italics catch the eye of search engines apply the HTML tags defined below around the main keywords and phrases on your site:
• Strong tag for Bold
• Emphasis tag for Italic
Both of the tags have an identical visual style as bold and italic but also point out to search engines that text enclosed within these tags has a higher importance. It further puts the focus on your targeted keywords.
Optimize Images
The basic SEO tip you can easily apply is optimizing your website’s images for search engines. Images no doubt enhance the visual quality of a website but Google cannot read images.
Search engines lean on “ALT Text” to ascertain what your images are about. You need to simply add description to ”alt” attribute of each image. An ALT description is a handy place where you can easily add your targeted keywords.
The simple SEO tips described above are the first few steps towards creating a fully optimized website. Surprisingly, these handy tips can boost your per day traffic without putting in much efforts.
Overall, there are many more SEO strategies you can implement to help your site rank higher in Google and Bing. The five we have described here for you though are a great starting point to having a fully optimized website. Once you integrate these strategies, you will soon start to see your traffic per day increase, which is what every website owner wants.
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