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How Mommy Bloggers are Kicking CEOs Butts Every Day

mommy bloggerWho said it wasn’t hard work being a housewife?

Stay at home moms everywhere are kicking CEOs and even medium to large businesses’ back sides at marketing on the internet every single day.

You thought they were just gossiping on their mobile devices? It turns out they are perhaps responsible for selling or at least directing many millions of dollars’ worth of products and services every year.

The sick part is they are mostly doing it for fun.

That’s while managers across the country are cringing at their numbers and afraid to report in the boardroom.

Of course many are in it for the money too and who can blame them, with an estimated 23 million women writing or reading blogs a week and spending on blog advertising expected to hit almost $1 billion dollars this year. It isn’t just blogging they are winning at either; they are killing it on social media sites like Facebook too.

The real question is why they are so successful and what can you learn or copy from them?

For a start, look at their fan bases and readership. @TheMommyBlog has almost 6,000 Twitter followers and most female Facebook users have friend lists that far outweigh the guys. This is especially true when you compare these numbers to your average entrepreneur or small business owner. One report recently put each Facebook user being worth 30,000 other connections. How many friends and likes do you have?

So how are they able to gain so many more connections so much faster than many big companies who have full-time marketing teams and more importantly how are they able to have so much influence?

Women share more, they interact, comment, share and use their personal branding to build bigger followings and sell by making recommendations. However, above all they are authentically passionate in what they say and passion persuades.

So perhaps it is wiser to market through your first line of connections, not at them and let more personality shine through on your social media but above all else be active and get real conversations going.

Just because your wife is kicking your behind at social media marketing and has more friends than you, doesn’t mean you should shut the doors of your business nor cut off her phone out of jealousy.

You just need the right strategy to win at blogging and Facebook or to at least hire someone who really understands the psychology of what makes social prospects tick and the cash register “cha-ching”!

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