Did you know that there is currently a shift that shows people are beginning to use mobile searches more than desktop searches? This shouldn’t be too surprising as we bear witness to the recent explosion of mobile devices that are quickly becoming the norm when it comes to the internet. We all knew that mobile devices were expected to be popular for those who are always on the go, but the recent mobile explosion has been somewhat of a surprise in that these mobile devices are seemingly and quickly becoming the new way to search the web.
Although the innovation of mobile devices and their extreme popularity calls for more tracking features that can follow and trace the real impact that mobile devices have in regards to both search and social returns, it’s also important to remember that the majority of mobile device users operate differently when compared to desktop users.
Mobile SEO Differences
User activity and requirements, search engine behaviors, as well as building your mobile site for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are all different when compared to Desktop SEO.
Search Result Differences-Mobile
- Mobile search results contain fewer filters, which can lead to a higher CTR.
- People who use the Android platform are always logged in, making it so that customized results show more often.
- Vertical results differ using when searching for image and/or videos.
- Visual Search. Some mobile devices are able to bypass keywords and instead users are able to scan an item in order to get results.
Keywords, Content Format, Location
- Mobile-Uses very few characters. Content is mobile-specific. Location is critical!
- Desktop-Uses many, descriptive characters. Content is generic. Location is not so co critical.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Google recently added a mobile option to their Adwords keyword tool, making it so that you can now either choose, ‘All mobile devices’ or ‘Mobile devices with full internet browsers’.
What This Means For You
Small Businesses especially have the potential to benefit from any and all new SEO practices as more than half of consumers use their mobile devices to search for information about a particular brand. Pair that with the fact that almost half of these people actually made a purchase, and you can understand why mobile marketing is listed as one of the top three small business strategies.
Google Search Rankings
The ongoing debate about whether or not there is a difference between mobile phone and desktop Google listings has been revisited. A recent study suggests that there is quite a difference between the two.
The Study
Data from mobile device ranking and web rankings were used for a period of one month in order to get true web results. Findings? Nearly 14% of the searches have the same rankings in both mobile and desktop results, with a high majority differing to some extent. Nearly 25% of the listings varies by at least 2 positions, which when translated in mobile terms can mean the difference between being on page 1 and page 7. A very small percentage of the queries showed a ranking difference of more than 10 positions.
Mobile SEO Tips
Now that mobile searches are outpacing desktop searches, there is a real need for companies to incorporate their forward-thinking abilities in order to come up with some of the best available mobile search-engine strategies.
- Optimize H1 Texts and Tags
- Optimize Meta Titles and Descriptions
- Develop Inbound Links
- Use Simple HTML/CSS Coding
Good To Know
Local search results are much more likely to appear in your mobile device.
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There are currently 3 responses:
on July 11th, 2011 replyThe nice post..
Its truth that there is not to much difference in mobile seo & traditional seo.The result is mainly same for search engine for mobile & Desktop.
on July 14th, 2011 replyI’ve just been reading about mobile specific Google Sitemaps too, which allow you to control where mobile results appear and what is crawled.
Good to be aware of duplicate content 🙂
on November 13th, 2011 replyIt is true about location based and android phones.
I use geo meta tags and I noticed traffic from android OS were local or really close.
Very helpful article.