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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


Why You Need Google Apps Premier Edition

It’s finally time for your business to seriously consider Google Apps Premier Edition. For those of you that haven’t researched it, Google Apps is a low-cost, reliable, and secure messaging and collaboration solution. The main feature is the Google Apps mail that utilizes the Gmail interface and seamlessly integrates with Outlook and all mobile devices. [...]


What is the Purpose of Your Website?

What is the purpose of your website? Really think about this. If you’re like a lot of small businesses, you haven’t really thought about it. You got a website because everyone said you needed a website but you’re not really sure what it does. Better yet, do your customers know what the purpose of your [...]


Easy & Effective Content Creation

I work with many small business owners and the one common thread from business to business is that they are busy! You focus on your core business, delegate what you can but there still ends up being tasks that you just can’t seem to have someone else do for you. One of these tasks is [...]


Get More Traffic From Local Search Results

Note: Google Local Business Center is now called Google Places Update: 3/15/2011 We no longer recommend adding keywords to the title or adding any extraneous keywords to the description. You will get your Places account rejected if you do this as Google is really cracking down. On another note, Google Boost has launched which offers [...]


Why You Need Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools

Too many website owners today have no idea how many people are visiting their site, how visitors are finding their site, what keywords are bringing visitors to their site and a whole host of other important data points. Luckily Google knew this and created Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools to help small business owners out. [...]


Aweber Review: How is Your Email Marketing?

Update 4/10/2010 – Added information on Aweber reports and autoresponders Update: You can use an Aweber Single Opt-in List Aweber Email Marketing Review Aweber is an email list marketing company that helps you capture leads and email addresses for contacts in lists that you can then send messages and newsletters to. It’s permission eMarketing at [...]


twitter for Business: How to Make it Effective

What can you say in 140 characters? If you’ve been using twitter, you’ll find that the answer is quite a bit! If you’ve been under a rock for the past couple of years, twitter defines itself as a “..real-time short messaging service that works over multiple networks and devices”. Basically they provide you with the [...]


Single Opt-in vs Double Opt-in Email Marketing

The first question that should be asked when looking at an email marketing company for a newsletter or an autoresponder is “should I go with a double opt-in or single opt-in list?” Single opt-in lists allow people to sign up on your website or get added to your list by uploading their e-mail address and [...]


inMotion Hosting Review as a Website Host Provider

Note: I no longer can recommend inMotion Hosting. I’ve had too many outages and slow performance. I recommend HostGator as someone that offers more than you receive below, for a better price, with better performance and support. If you’re just looking for the nitty gritty down to the basics one paragraph summary on inMotion Hosting, [...]


How to Effectively Use LinkedIn for Business

We have an updated version of this post (5/27/2011) How to Use LinkedIn for Business If you haven’t heard of LinkedIn or you haven’t signed-up yet, where have you been? LinkedIn has been around for quite awhile and has been mainstream for many years now. LinkedIn was described to me by Terry Bean of Motor [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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