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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


Integrating Facebook Into Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Neglecting to use Facebook as part of your awareness and direct response marketing would be a travesty of epic proportions.  After all, we’re talking about the world’s #1 social network. Most social networks and communities online don’t make it easy to create mass marketing schemes.  They do this to protect the integrity of their own [...]


Tips to Create an Active Twitter Following for Your Business

Business owners around the world have become aware of Facebook’s potential for supporting their venture via social networking.  What about Twitter?  Have you capitalized on the marketing potential of the world’s 2nd most popular social network?  The network has over 200 million users and growing daily. A substantial level of added exposure is very possible [...]


YouTube Marketing 101

Taking advantage of social media to promote your business online is one of the primary components of web-based success.  The term “going viral” is closely associated with the video sharing website, YouTube, and refers to the process of garnering hundreds of thousands or even millions of hits (visits) – in this case, referring to views [...]


How the Classic “AIDA” Method Applies to Modern Internet Marketing

The AIDA method is a classic technique used in sales, and has proven effective for countless companies, pre-dating the internet era.  Now that such a substantial amount of marketing is done online using websites and social media, there is a call for AIDA adaptation in internet marketing as well.  Let’s examine how this process can [...]


5 Steps to Streamline Your Online Sales Funnel

Formalizing your lead generation process is the key to success with your business website.  To do so, you must become aware of the structure of your sales funnel and streamline it to help increase your conversion rate (CR). To review, the sales funnel generally stands for the marketing steps, and interactions, that take place on [...]


Conversion Optimization: Your Internet Marketing Missing Link

Internet marketers and webmasters alike have become savvy in recent years by focusing on many important components of online success including search engine optimization, social media optimization, and pay per click advertising.  However, generating traffic is by no means the end-all be-all of digital marketing.  There is something missing. Introducing Conversion Optimization: What Is It? [...]


How to Use LinkedIn to Generate Sales Leads

LinkedIn Corp. is known as “the world’s largest professional network with over 120 million members and rapidly growing.”  It’s no wonder the company, when it went public in May 2011, experienced the largest stock market valuation for a USA internet-based business since 2004 when Google went public. The professional networking opportunities that are presented by [...]


Internet Marketing Triple Threat: SEO, SMO, PPC

One of the first steps toward maximizing revenue through internet marketing is to adopt the proper vantage point.  Far too often, we hear marketers focusing exclusively or at least mostly on one format of internet marketing or advertising, such as SEO, citing that one technique as the end-all be-all of webmaster success – a mindset [...]


Keyword & Competitor Analysis Reports – Why You Need Them

When you have an idea in mind for creating the very best website, the Check List can be quite long. There are domains to buy, designs to create, files to manage, email accounts to set up, and content that needs to be written to let people know who you are and what your website is [...]


Link Your LinkedIn Profile With Your Company

Here’s a quick tip to increase the usability of your LinkedIn profile to visitors and to increase your company’s online presence. It has to do with how you list your company as the place where you work. It can be listed as just plain text or it can be a link to your company’s LinkedIn [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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