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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


Website Design Trends of 2012

Website design is just as prone to fads and fetishes as any other field, but those aren’t really the parts that are important. Whether you work in Silicon Valley or on the edges of Detroit, web design’s true focus should always be about putting a human touch on what would otherwise be ‘just’ a masterful [...]


The View from Detroit: SEO Is Too Confusing For Newbies

A lot of people here in Detroit are still struggling to get over the huge hit our burg took in 2008. The city is, as we speak, bulldozing neighborhood after neighborhood of empty, foreclosed houses to make room for some new growth. But what a lot of people don’t see is the entrepreneurial spirit that’s [...]


Worst Times and Best Times to Update Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr are among the chief social media sites that guide our online lives — and salesmen who use the internet to make sales are no exception. During ‘prime time’ slots on the TV, commercials are more valuable because more people see the commercials that appear during those hours. Turns out that the [...]


Should Your Business Use Pinterest?

What is Pinterest? Pinterest is the hottest social networking site today which has gained more than 12 million active users in past 8 months of its origin. Page visits to Pinterest has increased by 4000% in the past 6 months. It has broken many of the past records set by prominent websites since the history [...]


Local SEO Secrets to Supersize Your Small Business Profits

‘Local SEO’ is the hottest buzz term in Internt marketing today. Why is it really so important to your business’ success and what’s the secret for winning at local search? Why Your Business Can’t Survive Without a Winning Local SEO Strategy It doesn’t matter how great of a location you have, how slick your website [...]


How Mommy Bloggers are Kicking CEOs Butts Every Day

Who said it wasn’t hard work being a housewife? Stay at home moms everywhere are kicking CEOs and even medium to large businesses’ back sides at marketing on the internet every single day. You thought they were just gossiping on their mobile devices? It turns out they are perhaps responsible for selling or at least [...]


How DIY SEO is Bankrupting U.S. Startups

Do-it-Yourself search engine optimization is dooming hundreds of new and small businesses just like yours to lackluster revenues and months of struggling. Where are they all going wrong? Many entrepreneurs and small business owners on tight budgets have taken it upon themselves to become one man bands on the Internet superhighway. Trying to learn and [...]


How To Build Your Facebook Business Timeline

Earlier this month, Facebook announced that all pages will be automatically converted to timeline by the end of March 2012. Reports suggest that 1 in 3 brands have converted to timeline already. In case you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, here are all the tips you’ll need to set up timeline for your Facebook [...]


How A/B Testing Can Multiply Your Conversion Rate

“Why isn’t my marketing campaign working?”  One of the main reasons could be that you (or the staff of your marketing agency) are not applying A/B Testing.  Experienced internet marketing agencies are familiar with the concept and can use it to great effect as a method to multiply your conversion rate.  In fact, many regard [...]


Reasons to Hire an Internet Marketing Firm

Whether you are an entrepreneur or the CEO of a Fortune 500, your need for internet marketing is a foregone conclusion.  A digital marketing agency can serve as a replacement for – or a supplement to – your in-house promotional team.  Utilizing the services of an experienced firm has many benefits that render it superior [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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