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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


Three Uncommon Things Web Designers Do Wrong

One of the easiest things in the world to do is mess up a website — that’s why web designers are pretty meticulous about the websites they design. But there are always those websites you design where everything looks right, but the site just isn’t producing the results your client wants. The traffic is there; [...]


Web Design Details: Using Pinterest

Pinterest — if you work with websites, or really the Internet in general, you’ve probably heard of it. It’s not quite Facebook or Twitter, but it’s getting more than it’s share of attention as the dominant social bookmarking site, knocking the old guard (Digg, Reddit, and their ilk) off their pedestals with ease. So how [...]


Five Things Visitors Should See: Designing A Landing Page

Let’s cut straight to the chase, here: if you want a landing page, you need at least five things: A headline that succinctly states your client’s unique selling proposition. A clear demonstration of what your product is and how it works. A statement of value that shows your customer how the product will change their [...]


Our #1 Secret: Web Design *Is* SEO

As I chat with my SEO and web design comrades around Detroit, every once in a while one of them will ask me: why do both SEO and web design? Isn’t there enough business in one or the other that you shouldn’t have to do both? The answer is probably Net Profit Marketing’s greatest secret, [...]


Big Business SEO Secret #719: Writing Isn’t Creating Content — It’s Just Making Words

Content is fast reaching the point where it’s a commodity on the web, like corn in the agricultural world: there are different kinds of corn, but pretty much everwhere you go, a given kind of corn sells in a pretty narrow price range. In a way, this is great for businesses who want SEO content, [...]


Are You One of the Millions Of SEO Producers Suffering From NOGARA?

SEO requires content, and it’s pretty obvious that if making content, you should be doing as many different things with it as possible. One piece of content can and should: Rank highly on Google Help your linked page rank highly on Google Intrigue and educate human readers Get human readers to do what you want [...]


Let’s Talk SEO Strategy: Crying Tiers of Joy

A few months ago, when BuildMyRank and dozens of other similar networks were de-indexed by Google (translation: they don’t exist anymore as far as anyone is concerned), tens of thousands of people were devastated because the backlinks they had paid for vanished overnight. But for a lot of those people, it wasn’t just the backlinks [...]


The View From Detroit: SEO Can Be A Hard Thing To Stop Doing

I chat quite regularly with a bunch of SEO guys from around Detroit. The vast majority of them are, more or less, like me: smart, hardworking people who have realized that they have, usually through a series of unrelated events, come into a pretty decent understanding of SEO. It’s pretty rare you see someone with [...]


The Big Question: What IS SEO?

Almost everyone I talk to has a fuzzy idea of what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is. But trying to answer that question when someone asks is…difficult. In part, it’s because there isn’t a single profession called ‘SEO guy’ — or rather, the guys who call themselves ‘SEO guys’ don’t actually do everything that falls into [...]


Web Designers, Its Time We Learn Criticism Isn’t A Bad Thing

One of the hardest things to get used to when you start designing websites for people is the extraordinary ways that people find to be unhappy about what you’ve created. It’s all too easy to assuage ourselves by falling back on the old maxim: ‘the IQ of any given committee can be obtained by taking [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

Our Clients Love The Work We Do for them