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Another Kind of Marketing: SEO, Cleveland, and The Keystone of Psychology

Cleveland, in the form of, is in the middle of a pretty decent marketing campaign, trying to rebill itself as a killer vacation destination. Even as a new, not-yet-jaded citizen of the city, I have to admit it seems like a little bit of a stretch — but that’s not the point. The point [...]


The View From Detroit: SEO In Black and White

Over the past year or so, Google has changed the rules of SEO pretty profoundly with a pair of black-and-white updates: first Panda, then Penguin. There’s a lot of buzz around Detroit about people’s sites suddenly plummeting down the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) because of the rules changes — and of course it’s Google, [...]


Those Other Detroits: Web Design, URLs, and the Power of Canon

So I was talking with a new friend on the phone a few months ago, and we had a silly moment. I asked him where he grew up, and he said, “Detroit!” I got excited and said “Me, too! Which neighborhood?” He laughed at me and replied, “Detroit, Oregon.” Did I really have this conversation? [...]


Cleveland Web Design, Educating Efficiently Is Good Business

Cleveland’s recent sprint back toward economic power has sprung from a somewhat unexpected place: education. The “Ed and Med” district, as it’s known, is leading the city back to being a monetary powerhouse because people there are learning, and they’re learning because Cleveland has a great educational system in place. Like Cleveland, web design can [...]


Advanced Web Design: What A Video Can Do For You

Form follows function in the web design world, and inevitably the single most important function of any business-related website is to communicate. Videos are an excellent tool for communication, because they work on entirely different channels within the brain than text does. Image recognition plus speech processing is a much better way to make a [...]


Google Plus: A Web Designer’s Perspective On Failure

I talked a while back about how web design is secretly a service industry, and I wanted to come back and expand on that a little bit. I was reading Graywolf’s SEO Blog a few days ago, and something he said stuck in my head. He said that Google Plus sucks because Google isn’t trying [...]


Just Like Cleveland: SEO Has No Shortcuts For Growth

Cleveland is a town that was once known for it’s incredible business growth — growth that petered out almost a century ago and hasn’t returned. In the last two decades, Cleveland has undertaken some impressive efforts to ‘shortcut’ its resurrection, including spending massive money on several projects designed to make the city attractive (Rock and [...]


SEO Isn’t Link Building

This is pretty straightforward, but it’s an extraordinarily common misconception. People think of SEO, and they think of two things: keyword density and link building. Let’s just set on-page SEO aside for a few minutes, though, and concentrate on the ‘grunt work’ of SEO: the off-page side of things. It’s very easy, when you’re in [...]


REAL SEO Success Is Beating Google At Their Own Game

The general consensus among the 99% — that is, the 99% of businesses that aren’t household names — is that if you want to succeed on line, you have to kiss Google’s ring and hope that the ‘good tyrant’ of the ‘net gives you enough traffic to make a living. But there’s something about living [...]


SEO and PPC Work Together For Surprising Results

If you’re not familiar with Detroit’s re-emergence from the chaos that was the Great Recession, it’s been pretty darn inspiring. No one would say that ‘the D’ is anything like it was in 2007, but it’s certainly on the rise, and the influence of forces that is sculpting it’s ascent is surprising. Politics these days [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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