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Internet Marketing News

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Google’s Recent Spat of “NoFollow” Orders Aren’t Really Surprising

It seems like everyone all over the SEO world right now is having a bit of a spaz attack, because Google is coming out with a bunch of statements lately that point out specific kinds of links that they believe should have the “nofollow” attribute. Links inside widgets is the latest one, but they’ve pointed [...]


Google’s New Guidelines: Building Backlinks, Pt. II

The problem with following Google’s guidelines about building backlinks (see Part I if you don’t remember what I’m on about) is that it’s mathematically impossible. Google wants SEO people to become purveyors of ultra-high-quality content so that sites build links naturally. But there are literally four times more websites then there are seconds in the [...]


Google’s New Guidelines: Building Backlinks, Pt. I

Google updated their Webmaster Guidelines a few days ago. The changes weren’t massive, but it’s worth looking at what they said regarding building backlinks. Here’s a good example: Links with optimized anchor text in articles or press releases distributed on other sites. For example: There are [...]


Understanding SEO: What is a Bounce Rate and Why Does it Matter?

Whenever someone clicks onto a website, stays on the page they landed on, and then clicks away from the site entirely (or worse, clicks the “back” button), that’s called a “bounce”. (If they click to a different page on the same site, that’s not.) For your typical, informational website, the bounce rate can be as [...]


Just Like Detroit: SEO Is Learning to Engage

I love Detroit. I used to think I was the only one, but people around here are starting to get engaged. Starting — it’s a slow process — but between projects like Detroit Works and cultural phenomenon like the wave of artists moving into the Russell Industrial Center, the people around here are starting to [...]


A Big List Of Things Your Web Designer Might Be Doing Wrong

No intro necessary here: just don’t do — or let your web designer do — this stuff. Make It Obvious What the Page is About: if a surfer can’t identify why your page exists within 2-3 seconds, they’re gone. Get to the point, right away. Make Your Content Scannable: no one comes to the Internet [...]


Google’s New Web Design Rules for Mobile Devices

Google, as normal, updated their ranking algorithm recently, and this update was intended, among other things, to benefit ‘good’ mobile websites and penalize ‘bad’ ones (i.e. ones that make mobile browsing harder.) If you want your mobile website to benefit the most from the algorithm changes, here’s how. Keep a single URL and create a [...]


Some Things Are Just Bad Luck: Cleveland, SEO, and Statistics

Cleveland has a really bad rap in the news lately. It’s been called the serial-killer capital of the world (which is totally not true, by the way — the research is ambiguous, but points to either Seattle/Tacoma or a city in Australia called Adelaide, depending on whether you’re talking about greater metro area or strict [...]


Just Like Detroit: SEO Bankruptcy Is Always Painful; Sometimes Necessary

Chances are you’ve heard by now that Detroit is trying to declare bankruptcy. There’s a few significant obstacles in its way: pension funds and other creditors insist that the city’s constitution doesn’t allow it to escape paying debts to city employees and that any bankruptcy declared would be invalid. But Detroit’s emergency financial manager (a [...]


How to SEO a Blog

Publishing blog content on a regular basis does a lot of good things for your business. It helps build your brand, it gives you a platform to communicate to your followers, it demonstrates your expertise, and it develops relationships between yourself and your most active followers. From an SEO standpoint, it’s powerful as well: the [...]

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We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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