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Internet Marketing News

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Imagine SEO Without Keywords

To the uninitiated, SEO seems like an entirely keyword-driven industry. ‘The first step in SEO is keyword research’ — I myself wrote this within in the past year on this very blog. But the SEO game is constantly changing, and I’m seeing a trend here that makes me wonder if we’ll soon be asked to [...]


Google Hummingbird: A Primer for SEO People.

Every once in a while I get the impression that the entire SEO community is somewhat blind. For example, last Thursday, Google announced that they had quietly rolled out a new update that affects 90% of search results — a month ago. And no one really noticed. The update, codenamed “Google Hummingbird” because it’s “fast [...]


A Dozen Sweet Things You Never Knew Google Could Do

This isn’t really related to SEO or web design — it’s more of just a super sweet article that I couldn’t avoid writing. We all love Google, but Google just keeps adding functionality, and a lot of it goes totally unnoticed by the masses. So here’s a dozen amazing things you probably had no idea [...]


Just Like Detroit: Web Design Can’t Make You Cool — Only You Can Do That

Ok, so anyone who reads my blog knows by know that I don’t really like to talk about my clients. Which is why, today, I’m going to talk about someone else’s clients. Of course, I’m not going to tell you who; let’s just say it’s someone that I’ve worked with for years. He’s a good [...]


How to Fail at Content Marketing

Content Marketing, if you’re not familiar, is the reboot of “BUM marketing”, which was itself a reboot of “Article marketing” — it’s the art of creating content that people enjoy reading so much that they want to do a few things. First, share it. Second, go to your site to find more like it. And [...]


The Principles Behind Web Design, Part V: Content Is King

I’ve discussed plentifully in the past the fact that creating content is usually not the web designer’s job — but working with the content creator is, and it’s a very important relationship. That’s because if you design a webpage with all of the principles laid out in the last four posts, and then your copywriter [...]


The Principles Behind Web Design, Part IV: Directing Attention

Websites have some content that’s static (doesn’t change as you look at it) and some that’s dynamic (which does). Dynamic content attracts the eye more than static content does, just like bold text draws the eye less than normal text. The human eye doesn’t smoothly scroll like a mouse wheel — it essentially takes a [...]


The Principles Behind Web Design, Part III: Minimalism In Action

I’m a big fan of martial arts flicks, especially the parts where the old wise teacher reveals some simple change that brings about a vast improvement in the fighting style of the protagonist. In several movies — though I couldn’t recall an example off hand right now, sadly — the simple change is best summarized [...]


The Principles Behind Web Design, Part II: Reduce Cognitive Load

Cognitive load is an interesting concept. Basically the idea is that every brain only has a finite amount of ‘working memory’, and the more of your working memory you have taken up with other things, the more difficult it is to work on any one problem. As an extreme example, imagine taking a Physics test…and [...]


The Principles Behind Web Design, Part I: Usability Is King

As technology improves and we get the occasional radical revolution like the switch to responsive design (or, earlier, to CSS in general), it’s easy to assume that modern web design looks nothing like it did, say, half a decade ago. Surprisingly, though, that’s simply not the case. We had a pretty good idea of what [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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