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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


The Fundamentals of Blog SEO

Google may have made upwards of 10 algorithm changes in the past third of a year, but that doesn’t mean that the fundamentals of good SEO have changed all that much recently. Let’s talk about what that means for a blogger — how to SEO a blog. [...]


Taking Responsive Web Design to the Next Level

Most people think Responsive Web Design, and they think, “hey, that’s that tech everyone uses to make sure that their websites scale to the screen size properly!” The truth is, there’s a lot more to responsive design. Among other things, responsive design’s ‘media queries’ can: Tell you what browser the surfer is using. Tell you [...]


5 Ways Your Web Design Can Make Your Call To Action Stronger

There’s only one thing on your landing page more important than your call to action — and that’s your headline. Since your headline is automatically also the most visible part of your page (unless you hide it), it doesn’t really need that much help from your web design. Your call to action (CTA), however, totally [...]


Just Like Detroit: Web Design Could Use More Creative Depth

Detroit’s finances are in a shambles. They want to declare bankruptcy, but there are legal complications that may prevent them from doing so. They’re already in the first stages of the process, which means that even if they don’t get to finish, they’re already under the purview of a bankruptcy judge who has to approve [...]


The Compleat Web Designer: A Procedural Guide

No, that’s not a misspelling. ‘Compleat‘ is a totally legit (if mildly archaic) word that simply means “skilled in all aspects of his or her chosen endeavor”. Reading this will not turn you into a compleat web designer, but it will give you a very solid idea of what a compleat web designer’s process looks [...]


10 Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do With a Website

When you’re talking about designing a website for your business, it always pays to pay attention to what the Web can do these days — and there’s a surprising amount of options out there that people just haven’t heard about. Check these out: Communicate Events Quickly with WebSockets HTML was built to create static webpages; [...]


Just Like Detroit: Web Design Is A State of Mind

You may or may not be aware of the fact that the city of Detroit is making a lot of noise about filing for bankruptcy, and among the options going forward is the potential for the city to ask the Feds for bailout money. Well, it turns out that Quinnipac University polled Detroit to find [...]


6 Things Your SEO Guy is Probably Doing Wrong

If you have an SEO guy who has been in business for more than a few years, the chances are pretty good that they’re doing it all wrong. That’s because anything you learned about SEO before 2012 is wrong — and half of what you’ve learned about SEO since 2012 is wrong, too! That’s because [...]


7 Elements of a Successful Website Redesign

Sometimes, your organization realizes that it’s website isn’t doing the job it’s intended for. If you haven’t had your website redesigned yet, chances are that the process will go much more smoothly if you take a few things into account. Define Strategy and Goals First If you’re redesigning just for the purpose of redesigning, you’re [...]


Six Unusual Search Engines That Will Give You Results Google Never Would

Since people seem to have like my article last week, A Dozen Sweet Things You Never Knew Google Could Do — I thought I might make a habit of posting about nifty things I found that I thought people would enjoy. We’ll see — either way, this is worth checking out: six unusual search engines [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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