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Internet Marketing News

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5 Web Design Tactics You Cannot Do Without

Web designing is all about producing better work and the best advise that can be given to a creative professional is to make ‘quality’ a priority. People tend to focus on the aesthetics of their design but no attention is paid on the fundamental issues of the work. Embracing creativity and overlooking fundamental concepts lead [...]


Handy Mobile Website Design Tips You Mustn’t Miss

Navigating most mobile websites that exist today is an ordeal because proper usability has not been implemented into their designs. The quality of the designs is falling — it’s rare to find sites that have immaculate mobile aesthetics, plus let the users transit smoothly between the regular site and a tantalizing experience on their mobile [...]


The Modern Tools of SEO – Social Media Optimization Services

Social media optimization (abbreviated as SMO) is a new technique focused on sharing exciting online content via various social networking sites; it’s basically a marketing tool. SMO can be aptly defined as a tool where social networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others are utilized to promote a website. The online networking [...]


Handy SEO Tips for Creating a Fully Optimized Website

90% of your online success depends on how well your website is optimized for search engines. Showing up on Google’s first page is not so hard but many of you simply don’t grasp the concept called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Although, some strategies entail tricky approaches needing skills of a hardened SEO expert. But some [...]


5 Killer Business Website Design Tips

Your business website design give you an edge over your competition drawing in tons of today’s rapidly multiplying net-savvy audience. The competition is stiff and to win over leads you need an effective web presence. With an outdated, hard to navigate website don’t expect that new visitors will convert into long-term customers. Accept the challenge [...]


Know How to Spot Black Hat SEO? Most Don’t

Basically, black hat SEO is the adoption of unethical techniques to direct visitors to websites. These techniques sound tempting causing a swift surge of traffic, but in the long run can put you in great trouble. Like your website can be demoted or can even be banned from Google. An online business owner or a [...]


Redesigning Your Website: Secrets To A Better Web Design

Redesigning your website can be a tricky job, especially if you have no idea where to start. Most people tend to rebuild their entire website with their hopes to make it more appealing to their audience. However, in some occasions, rebuilding your website from scratch is not the most effective and cost-efficient way. It might [...]


SEO Benefits Of Blogging On Your Business Website

Having trouble getting your business website at the top of the SERPs? Maybe it’s because you’re doing too much sales talk and not giving enough information to your visitors. Although it is absolutely normal for you to put a lot of effort in generating sales, you must remember the SEO benefits that sharing information — [...]


Web Design Tricks That Pay You In the End

Clean and simple web design styles have their own inherent benefits – the site load time improves, and designing these sites is easier versus graphically complex websites. On top of that a professional, clean design leaves a mark on the mind of visitors. Let’s check out what constitutes the basic building blocks of a professional [...]


Everything You Need to Know About an SEO Audit

One areas of SEO that many people do not understand is SEO audits. Even the name itself can be confusing because it is associated by most people as having to do with checking on your tax deduction claims. In the same way that the tax man checks your taxes are correct an SEO audit checks [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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