Here in Detroit, we’re always trying to find new ways of pushing our businesses forward. Because people in this part of the world feel a togetherness that has been brought about through circumstance, it’s always nice to be able to be successful with local people. But when you’re trying to win business online, there’s little room for sentiment. That’s why any Detroit SEO company has to be completely on top of things in terms of the latest online trends. If your finger is on the pulse, then you’re likely to be the person to jump ahead of the competition.
Things change all the time online, and it doesn’t take a genius to spot one of the biggest changes that we have seen in recent years. It’s the move towards visual social media. While Facebook had dominated for so long, we’re seeing more and more examples of social media sites which have a heavy reliance on visuals doing well. Instagram and Pinterest are probably the two best examples. What does this tell us? Nothing much more than the fact that people like looking at pretty pictures, but that’s all we need to know! Armed with very simple and up to the minute knowledge, you can boost your rankings, penetration and overall financial success with a few well placed visuals. Here are some good tips to make sure you’re making the most of your visuals online.
Show off! Take every opportunity to show off your company. Snap products, signage, premises, or have some pictures taken of you creating your products. Whatever you do, capture it on film, and show your audience. They all know what you’re doing, but if you show it to them in pictures, they like it!
Make it big! Whatever the focus of the shot, you need to zoom in, and capture it. Don’t allow for people’s attentions to wander. A straight forward shot of something is always going to work better than a scene which depicts a situation with your product in the corner somewhere. You want to be taking up most of the frame with the product in question.
Avoid being a faceless organization. People like to put a face to things. Always have, always will. Don’t just take pictures of what you sell; take pictures of the people who make it happen. Show yourself, show your team, and let people see the personality behind whatever you do.
Make it interesting. With sites out there like instagram, there’s no excuse when it comes to making your pictures look good. Add a filter, change the light or the saturation levels – generally play around until your pictures look interesting. You might not have the most interesting subject matter in the world, but a bit of effort should lead to some great shots.
Don’t like it? Pass it on! If you really don’t think you have the ability to take the right shots, or take them well enough, then find someone who can help. You don’t have to call in the pros, but you might have an old friend who would like to earn a few extra bucks for taking a few shots. Good photo’s make a world of difference online, and could be the difference between winning and losing a new client.
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