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4 Tips for Marketing to Gen Z the Right Way


Generation Z is the first generation of true digital natives. They’ve been using social media since they were in middle school (and in some cases earlier), so they have a much more sophisticated understanding of how it works than their predecessors.

They’re also naturally skeptical about brands and products, so to market to Gen Z the right way, you need to understand how they think, what motivates them, and what kind of marketing content they want to see. Here are some tips for marketing to Gen Z so that you can make an impact with your upcoming campaigns.

1. Build Relationships

One of the biggest mistakes companies make when marketing to Gen Z is not building a relationship before asking them for something (i.e., buying something). Gen Z doesn’t want to be sold to; they want to buy from people they know and trust. They want to buy from businesses that they feel connected to, so building relationships is key. 

You should use social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to build relationships with your audience, where you can interact with them directly and get feedback on your products or services.

2. Engage with Experiences

Gen Z is drawn toward experiences over just material things, especially those that make them feel inspired or empowered. Gen Z is all about experientialism, which means that they want their interactions with brands to be fully-fledged experiences, something that goes beyond a basic transaction. 

As a result, companies have been putting a stronger focus on elements of the purchasing process like packaging and visual aesthetic, which creates a brand identity that goes beyond “our product works — buy it.” It creates an experience for the buyer, which has a history of success with Gen Z consumers.

3. Understand Their Values and Lifestyles

Gen Z tends to be more conscious of their health and fitness than other generations. They’re eating less meat, dairy, and processed foods and more vegetables, fruits, and legumes. They’re also more aware of the environment: they care about sustainable fashion, eco-friendly products, and brands that make a positive impact on society.

This means that any brand looking to market to Gen Zers needs to be conscious of how its products affect the environment or impact society in a positive way. This can be done through charitable initiatives, philanthropy, or by using sustainable packaging materials for products like food or cosmetics.

4. Emphasize Visual Content

The most effective way to market to Gen Z tends to be through visual content. This generation has grown up with technology and is used to interacting with digital experiences on a daily basis. They’re comfortable in the digital space, so they want content in this format across all channels — even those that are traditionally text-based, like email newsletters and blogs.

Learn the Secrets to Marketing to Gen Z with Net Profit Marketing

If your business wants to improve its reach among Generation Z, our experts at Net Profit Marketing are here to help. We understand the nuance of marketing to the upcoming generation of consumers and can help your organization elevate your outreach strategies to better resonate with this demographic. Reach out to our team to learn more about our marketing services and how we can help your company succeed in the sea of businesses competing for the attention of Gen Z.

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