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Internet Marketing News

Get regular updates on the latest web design trends, social media, and of course, tips and tricks for successfully marketing your company and website. You can browse our extensive number of posts by category or you can simply check in on us when you have a question or curiosity. Send us a message if you have any questions.


When can you realistically expect results from a digital marketing campaign?

It’s a common myth that your business will see immediate results after implementing a new digital marketing strategy. And why shouldn’t it? After all, in today’s rapidly moving business environment we’ve come to expect instant gratification. However, the reality is that no matter how great your efforts are, the results will not necessarily show right away.  [...]


What are the Most Common Website Vulnerabilities?

There are always going to be people who create things and add to world, as well as people who want to take those things.  The internet has opened up a whole new world of sharing, but also theft, and as a business owner, you have to remain diligent in order to protect your web presence. [...]


Responsive vs. Adaptive Web Design

It just makes good business sense to make your website as accessible as possible to as many consumers as possible, and in this day and age, you simply cannot afford an antiquated website that doesn’t conform to the size and shape of mobile devices.  According to Statista, the percentage of website traffic that comes from [...]


How to Provide Helpful Feedback to Your Web Designer

Business owners understand the difficulties of wearing many hats, which is why they often outsource specific tasks to professionals that have the skills they lack.  Still, you do have to provide these vendors with some direction if you want them to deliver the best possible outcomes for your company. Case in point: web design.  Small, [...]


Proven email outreach strategies for backlinks

Email outreach strategies through backlinks are today’s version of rifling through the Yellow Pages, choosing a likely company, and picking up the phone for a cold call pitch. Simply stated, an email outreach program is an electronic cold call to a website or other influencer to persuade them to review and link to your own [...]


5 things you should keep in mind when choosing a PPC agency

Time moves differently in the world of technology. New products and ideas and full-on revolutions happen nearly every day and the Great New Thing we adored last year is, well, so last year. Twenty years ago might as well be prehistoric but that is when we saw the rise of internet search engines and with [...]


How to generate new results from your old blog posts

Updating and republishing an old blog post can boost website traffic by more than 100 percent. Got your attention? Sure, it’s a great feeling to wrap up a post, publish it, and get started on another one but why not get more mileage out of work you’ve already done? Writers have used a similar strategy—write [...]


5 of the hottest trends in web design right now

Ahhh, remember the good ol’ days of the internet? Let’s take a short trip back in time, to Christmas Day, 1990, the day the first internet browser was launched. Just three months later we saw the first website, an archaic scattering of text and hyperlinks used to explain to the awestruck masses what this World [...]


How to Outsmart Your Competition in Premium PPC Markets

It wasn’t that long ago that you could achieve competitive rankings on search engines without having to spend a penny.  All it took was the right link-building strategies and some time commitment.  Sadly, those days are long gone.  If PPC and other online advertising efforts aren’t part of your digital marketing strategy, you’re unlikely to [...]


Different Ways You Could Negatively Impact Your Site’s Rankings without Even Knowing

Over the years, it has become more and more difficult to achieve and maintain stellar rankings with search engines, primarily Google.  It’s not just that there’s more competition (with millions of new websites launched each year), but changing Google algorithms have cracked down on all kinds of practices that artificially inflate rankings. For the most [...]

about us:Net Profit Marketing

We're a mid-sized-business oriented Internet marketing agency with a laser-like focus on the one number that matters most: how much are you getting back from your marketing dollar?

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